Youth Provision
We have defined our work around advising, supporting, counselling and guiding young people in connecting them to opportunities where they can unlock their potential and aspire to achieve some of their ambitions. All our efforts are specifically designed to work with individuals who are NEET or at risk of offending. In short, in the main, we engage with most hard to reach young men who are vulnerable and feel excluded from the wider society and main stream provisions.

All our programmes provide safe learning and positive environment where young people can explore and discuss issues that are of pressing concern in their day-to-day life. We continue to provide a service for the most vulnerable young people living in Tower hamlets. There has been a continuous increase in the number of people using our services which reflects the demand and need withinin the community. With the onset of severe cut in government funding we have to respond to the manifold needs within a reduced financial base.
In organizing the nature of activities, we take into account the input from the individuals themselves and there is a regular feedback from them on the quality of our provisions. Our purpose is to offer a base for the kids themselves to work and enjoy as a group and thereby widen their experiences. They have taken a lead in the organisation, planning, and evaluating the overall programme. The shape and content of future portfolio of activities is derived from an assessment of what worked, what was in demand and how the content could be more effectively delivered.
Early intervention

This new initiative on our part was started last year. With funding from YISP we began a pilot project directed towards 8-12 year olds. As an organisation BYM is firmly of the opinion that ensuring early intervention with young people can generate enthusiasm and make positive contribution to their future development. More than 30 individuals participated in the project and it became a huge success. In the coming year we are planning to extend this provision.

Employment & Training
A series of Workshops and training sessions were organised leading to a number of accredited courses which saw the participation of over 100 young people. Such courses included Child protection Training, Health & Fitness (Level 1), FA Junior Football Manager (JFO), SIA Security Course, First Aid, Sex Relationship Education (SRE), Princess Trust Course for Young people, LBTH V Talent Programme, FA Referees Course (Level 1) etc. The Central aim to ensure that they progressed to the next stage of their up skilling. In some cases the participants were able to secure paid employment.
Girls Youth Work

The young Girls youth project within BYM has offered a platform where 20-25 girls have participated in a wide variety of projects this included accredited qualifications in Beauty & Makeup, First Aid, Journalism and Health & Safety. this is to engage young girls with various education and training activities around Arts & Craft, Drama, internet access, games and issue-based workshops. Combining education and leisure facilities such sessions have been well attended with an average participation of 25 people.